
Severe Storm with Continuous Lightning Rolls in off Lake Michigan - July 19, 2019, Arcadia, MI

Severe Storm with Continuous Lightning Rolls in off Lake Michigan - July 19, 2019, Arcadia, MI This was one of the most intense lightning displays I have ever seen. The vast majority of the lighting was well hidden, deep in the cloud deck, but the continuous illumination was very ominous. The camera doesn't really do it justice as it only picks up the brighter flashes. The comma-head area to the north of the apex had the most intense lightning activity.

The zone north of the apex also had a band of 60 mph southeasterly inflow winds just above the ground. There were a few places (more inland where the terrain was a bit higher) where this inflow jet penetrated down to the surface enough to cause some tree damage. It was unusual to see a storm produce damage from both inflow and outflow. The strong horizontal shear across the inflow/outflow interface also generated some non-mesocyclone tornadoes over Wisconsin.


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