
A Daily Prayer: My Grace Is Sufficient For You

A Daily Prayer: My Grace Is Sufficient For You And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness," Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest on me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake . For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 2;9-10

Good day LORD God, Father, I Am that I Am, glory and honor to You. I pray in the name of Your holy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ that I may hear these words and take them into my spirit as I should. I know I need them so. Thank You, Amen.

Lord, we are studying the word Grace as You know, the entire meaning of what grace is and can be for we who call on You as Lord and Father God. It is for sure ,Your grace, and grace is more than mercy, is more than forgiveness of sins, it is more than salvation, it is power and or strength to live out Your will in us. It is strength and we do not have to use our own human strength in any situation at all, we can draw from the well of Your strength which is unending and all encompassing. There is nothing You cannot do, and nothing we cannot bear up under with Your hand on and over us. Grace is Your presence and power over and in our individual lives daily,and moment by moment. Your children, as I see it ,Lord, are never alone or without. We can have all we will ever need in You, I can!

Lord, You tell us here that Your holy strength is made perfect in our weakness. Is not Your strength perfect already? I believe that it is, but You are saying that it is fully accomplished in our own bodies when our dependence is on You and not in our own abilities or wills. Your work and will is done in us, made perfect in completeness when we surrender our lives to You fully and do not strive to do everything in our lives, in and by our own wills and ways.

Lord, is this what it means that Your strength is made perfect then? So that would mean that when we try to do life our way and by our own wills and strengths, Your strength then is not perfected in and through us and is wasted as it is never appropriated. Lord, how often have I done this? It scares me to think that I am so guilty of this. Trying myself to do everything in and by my own will and ways, strength, and batting my head against walls time and time again as I keep trying. Lord, am I doing that today in some area of my life still??

Lord, Paul was deeply and painfully tried. He endured so much for the sake of Your life, the ministry of Your holy gospel. He never gave up from his early walk with You. You used his life for Your glory and the good of so many for Your holy kingdom. He ministered far and wide ,and his life was such a testimony and many were saved because of his word and his walk with You. He did not waver in his mission for You on earth. No threats, no beatings, nothing stopped his words, his ministry. Lord, even the messenger from Satan did not stop him or sway his purpose given him. But You used what Satan meant for Paul's harm and destruction of his witness to make him stronger in his holy service to You and others. It forged him instead into a mighty man of God!

Paul kept his eyes, his focus on You and Your will and ways. He did not put his trust in himself and he knew bottom line that he was Yours and one day he would be with You. What could man do to him, take his life? Well then he would be with You, his tasks finished. He really did see life that way, for him to live was You living in and through him, doing what You would for others, but for him to die was his personal gain. Yes, Paul is what we call a sold out child of God!

Lord, Paul led a beautiful and powerful life for You in spite of all his trials and tribulations he experienced. So should I and every child of yours in spite of our situations and needs. You get the glory when others see our trust and our lives are fully in You and not in our own selves. Then there is glory seen in us that is You, Your Spirit moving in and through us as we endure hardships and suffering and do not grumble and whine over our afflictions which are all momentary anyway. And anything that comes into our lives has been allowed by You, maybe not created by You, but happens so that we may be made stronger in our walk with You and our dependence on You and not our own strengths. Yes, Lord, the suffering is not pleasant but the reward, the learning to trust You is worth it all!!! Paul did see this bottom line and he waked out his life trusting You completely like few ever will.

Lord, I do want your holy strength to be in me too. I want to walk by my faith in You and Your goodness and love for me as I should and in spite of any of Satan's plans and purposes. Lord, I do want to depend on You more and more as I should. Please help me and teach me from Your word and life experiences when necessary that


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