Tagline: "I inspired people to change their lives for the better and create the life that they love"An amazing story of a lady who rose from receiving benefits and struggling to creating a business generating £400k per annum and finding her voice through property.
Stephanie Taylor is a successful property investor, a loving mother and someone who has changed her lifes circumstances and achieved her dreams. Despite being heavily involved and meeting through the Property this interview looks at Stephanie's personal story as a person. Ensuring I don't bore the listeners with too much property talk, we have kept incredible story to a lady who has overcome many odds.
She has gone from minimum wage jobs, to being refused jobs, to building £100k + revenue businesses. Alongside this, she has established herself as a name within the property sector. She has overcome her own limiting beliefs, and she is also changing live for others.
Stephanie also explains her vision is to inspire more people, to take control of their lives. Seeing the benefits it has done for her, she wants others to create their dreams. Offering a kind gesture to all listeners, or for anyone interested in rent to rent property, she has provided a link below just for our listeners!
This was also the first time someone has shared their vulnerabilities and openly cried on the show. It was a moment you may not have expected as it was for a positive act. Caring, as we touch on in this podcast, the act of just doing nice things with others well-being at the front of your mind is powerful. It is a caring example that Stephanie shares which gets her emotional and also brings home a great lesson.
Key talking points in this episode:
1. The importance of your mindset
2. Growing your skill set to be capable of achieving your goals
3. The importance of caring
4. How to work on problem solving
5. Not attaching self-worth to circumstances
I sincerely hope this episode provides you genuine value. I also urge you to follow Stephanie's journey if it resonated with you, or if you enjoyed this.
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