
Meanest Angriest Animal - Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

Meanest Angriest Animal - Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures Burnie, Gus, and Geoff reminisce about a long forgotten part of their lives. Shamus the cat brought terror to all of them.
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Audio from: Rooster Teeth Podcast #520

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Animated by: Quinn Weston
Directed by: Andrew Lhotsky

About Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures:
The animated shenanigans of the Rooster Teeth staff. Audio taken from various Rooster Teeth podcasts.

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#RTAA #RoosterTeethAnimatedAdventures #RoosterTeeth

Rooster Teeth,RT,animation,television,filmmaking,games,video games,comics,austin,texas,production,movies,web series,RTAA,Animated Adventures,animated,stick figures,short,sketch,skit,comedy,humor,real life animated,jordan cwierz,storytelling,personal,embarrassing,history,Burnie Burns,Gus Sorola,Geoff Ramsey,meanest,angriest,animal,shamus,orange,cat,scratch,prison,adopt,alien,chase,life,ex-wife,terrifying,adventure,gone,

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