
METATRON - What was the desire of METATRON and what was his plan to achieve it? - 26 July 2019

METATRON - What was the desire of METATRON and what was his plan to achieve it? - 26 July 2019 METATRON welcomes you with a 'smile' and states:

* How he has resigned as an Archangel of darkness and is now in service to CAEAYARON.

* How he feels about being in service to CAEAYARON.

* The agreement for him to come through the Divine Love Element if the Light won the game.

* What did METATRON most desire and how did he plan to achieve it?

* Why did CAEAYARON create METATRON?

* What prize would the winner receive?

* Where are you really at this time?

* Within the Galactic Courtroom what do the examiners see? How are they able to do this?

* How Thoth worked with METATRON and why was this permitted?

* What would have happened if the Divine Love Element had failed?

* The reversal of the Flower of Life and why.

* Discover the mirrors held within the Flower of Life.

* Who has been an energy food for who and how?

* How humans built the denseness that lost them light?

* How the thoughts and power can now be gained back?

* Why was METATRON created without love?

* Why love could not exist within his universes?

* What do entities in denser universes think of humans?

* What the dense entities know of CAEAYARON and the Divine Love Element?

* Where will the darkness go after this lifetime if CAEAYARON takes over the universes of METATRON?

* Was Thoth ever a being of love?

* How the knowledge of density will grow the love universes?

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, The Eternal Mountain of Light.

Please also see Suzanna's Facebook Page filled with Divine Guidance and for more information.

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