"You are trespassing on government property. Do not resist. Please, stay calm."
Hello, hello!
Biiiiig thank you to Dall VA for lending me his voice! He did a fab job. You can find his channel here:
Also thanks to Beanie for giving the idea of doing a beep boop voice, and letting me steal their name. You're an awesome boyo!
Please stay tuned for part two!
**New Server-Oh Wow!**
Come join the fun on my discord server. We can collaborate, talk Lore, mythology, or general silliness.
**Wish to donate a dollar at me?**
Programs: Audacity, Krita, Shotcut
Art: [Thumbnail-Hira] [Icon-Raina V.]
Voice: [Hira: BEAN] [Dall: Emmett]
Script: Hira
SFX: freesounds.org [will add post video upload, lost my list]
Music: freesounds.org [will add post video upload, lost my list]
My email~ hirahiraeth@gmail.com