
The Fundamentals of Reclassing - A Fire Emblem: Three Houses Guide

The Fundamentals of Reclassing - A Fire Emblem: Three Houses Guide As I lumber through the first playthrough of Three Houses, I start to think of ways to optimize and streamline my end game goals. One of those is how to manage classes and more quickly get to the end game classes that I want.

As I thought about it, I figured I'd make a video about what I've learned and share it with you all. Note that this isn't a video on how to make the best builds or get the best growths, it is purely to the fastest way to get from Point A to Point B as efficiently as possible.

If you want a guide on what specific classes are most optimal for the individual units based on growths and bases, check out JAEAIK's excellent video here:

And as always, feel free to leave feedback or your own opinion in the comments below. I'm always happy to hear from other people's experiences and discuss with you there!

#FireEmblem #ThreeHouses #3H

Fire Emblem,Three Houses,FE,3H,FE3H,Fire Emblem Three Houses,Class Changing,Guide,Class Change,Byleth,Edelgard,Dimitri,Claude,Shamir,Reclass,Master Class,Analysis,Is Edelgard Evil?!,LinkKing7,LinkKing,TheLinkKing,

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