
Those That Look But Don’t See -RE’EH (Sat. 31st August; 30th Av)- Laibl's Weekly Parsha Video

Those That Look But Don’t See -RE’EH (Sat. 31st August; 30th Av)- Laibl's Weekly Parsha Video RE’EH (Sat. 31st August; 30th Av)
Those That Look But Don’t See
Laibl's Weekly Parsha Video

• There is a wonderful teaching in Pirkei Avot, the section of the Talmud devoted to the wisdom-teachings of the Masters of old. Therein it is asked, “Who is the wise one” – and responds – “he who is able to see that which is to be born”. Cryptic it may seem, but is telling us, look before you jump.
• It is one thing to intellectually anticipate the future. But it is quite another to actually see what is coming ahead. Herein lies the difference between speculation and fully understanding, to the point of seeing the consequences of words and behaviours.
• This week’s Parsha is titled ‘Re’eh’ – literally, “See!” Moses is asking all of us to ponder deeply to actually ‘see’ the consequences of our behaviours. It is not enough to give matters superficial consideration. One has to see ‘what is about to be born’.
• Shakespeare has it “That way madness lies”. The opening statement Moses makes in our Parsha preempts Shakespeare, noting that poor choice results in the painful outcome of a curse. Every moment in time is embedded with the potential of blessing or curse depending on how wisely we choose. Choice is not arbitrary. There are signposts in every situation. Moses asks us to see the signposts and choose wisely.
• Don’t be like those who look but don’t see.

Rabbi Laibl Wolf,Spiritgrow,Kabbala,

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