
WE| Sail to the Bahamas

WE| Sail to the Bahamas On this episode, WE sail up to the Bahamas after saying goodbye to our friends in Turks and Caicos and receive a fantastic send off from a playful pod of dolphins. WE start off sailing the incredible waters of the lower Bahamas towards the Exuma chain. We spend a day free diving Deans Blue Hole on Long Island after a coupe of full days of sailing.
Also we experience some difficulties with furling and unfurling our jenniker sail, which results in some tears and argument between each other. However, that's the reality of sailing and inevitable with a couple on board.

There is not shortage of amazement as we sail the shallow stunning blue waters of the Bahamas. And when we say shallow, I mean scrape the bottom shallow as we take a shortcut between two small islands.

We explore the underwater installments of The Mermaid and the Piano at the private island of David Copperfield and begin to fall in love with the the Bahamas.

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