
Why giant co-operation & Wealthy individuals are exempts from Rule of Law?

Why giant co-operation & Wealthy individuals are exempts from Rule of Law? Hello:

My topic today is about “Rule of Law”. Did you know in Canada the rule of law applies to everyone equally? There is not supposed to be any discrimination based on race, nationally, religion etc…
Also no one is exempted from the law including any Co-operation or individual regardless of their wealth etc...
If this is true, then why is FedEx Canada including their Chain of Command Fedrick W. Smith and David J. Bronczek are exempted from the Rule of Law in Canada.
why was my legal issue suppressed in Canadian courts?
Why is our system protecting this wealthy corporation Fedex Canada and their chain of command?
If our current prime minister Justin Trudeou can be investigated twice in 4 years and has to answer to parliament etc… then how come federal express Canada and their chain of command including Fedrick W. Smith and David J. Bronczek does not have to answer parliament etc. for they have done far worse.
Since they violated their own code of ethics, including the Canadian Customs Act, The Memorandum of Understanding and their own policies and procedures … Is this not telling us that this giant and powerful cooperation including these wealthy individuals are more powerful in Canada than our current prime minister Justin Trudeau.
Even as of today, federal express Canada and their chain of command including Fedrick W. Smith and David J. Bronczek who have enrich / benefited themselves from the Canadian Tax Payors.
How could this behavior allowed to happen in democratic country as they still stand untouchable and truly above the “rule of the law” in Canada.
Is this not a reason for loosing Public Trust in our government?
Is our Canadian Judicial System truly impendent as they did not follow the “Rule of Law” in my case against Federal Express Canada?
My name is Nazir Ghany … Please read my story for more details….


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