
Detoxing Tips - Best Green Tea For Weight Loss

Detoxing Tips - Best Green Tea For Weight Loss Detoxing Tips - Best Green Tea For Weight Loss

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Everyday people are exposed to a huge amount of chemicals and toxins that are present in the environment. These can enter the body through the air people breathe, food, drinks, as well as being absorbed through the skin. Combine this with some of people's lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol, junk food, artificial sweeteners, which all contribute to the toxic load our body has to deal with everyday.

The body has the ability to process and eliminate these toxins in order to keep us healthy; however we don't often allow our bodies the chance to do so. The body needs the appropriate time and opportunity to detox, otherwise we can be left feeling tired, and lethargic. The build up of toxins can lead to headaches, allergies, infections, body odour, and muscle and joint pain, flu-like symptoms and digestive symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and constipation.

Following on from Christmas and New Years Eve, it can be the perfect time to gently cleanse and rejuvenate your body, get into shape and look your best for the New Year.

By encouraging toxins and waste matter to be eliminated, the body can perform its normal processes efficiently with the benefits generally including:

• improved energy
• improved skin health
• better digestion
• weight loss
• improved mood
• improved libido
• brighter eyes
• better mental clarity, focus and concentration

Some guidelines to detoxing include:

1. Limit the exposure to toxins. Avoid smoking, alcohol, chemicals, sugars, and pollution where possible. We're only human and there is only so much we can do at a time, so why not make some small changes perhaps alternating your alcoholic drink with a soft drink or better still water or you could use Xylobrit instead of sugar so that you're not over consuming sugar but still having the benefit through this great tasting natural sweetener.

2. Optimise your nutritional intake. Try to achieve a more alkaline diet by having the majority of the diet made up from fruits and vegetables, and easy to digest proteins such as fish and lentils. Try to leave red meats and chicken until after your detox has finished. Increase the foods high in antioxidants in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, particularly those that are red, orange and yellow in colour. For drinks, ditch the tea and coffee and go for green tea, herbal teas, organic juices and pure water instead. Some great alternatives can be Yogi Tea or even Cherry Active which is high in its ORAC values.

3. Supplements. These are a useful part of a detox programme as they help to speed up the process of elimination and assist the detoxification process. Antioxidants are important, and help mop up the toxins. Caprylic acid is a useful supplement as it helps clear the digestive tract. Other supplements that are useful include amino acids and essential fatty acids.

4. Exercise. This helps improve blood and lymphatic flow which will improve elimination and detoxification as well as increase metabolism. Just some gentle exercise can make a huge difference - particularly if you're shaping up for the festivities.

5. Rest. Make sure you get plenty of rest, relaxation and sleep. The liver does a lot of its work at night, so give it the chance to do so. With busy lifestyles it's not always easy to get 8 hours - try and make sure you give yourself that time, your body will thank you for it.

6. Massages. These can assist with both the relaxation and detox process through improved circulation. Dry skin brushing can help the process along. Take a loofah or body scrub, start at the feet and in circular motions move toward the heart. Do this on dry skin each morning and then use a really good moisturiser like Environ or Akamuti body butters to nourish your skin from the outside in.

Who shouldn't detox

Not everyone should be detoxing. Anyone with an acute illness or existing medical condition should consult a qualified practitioner before detoxing. If you take prescription medication we recommend you check with your GP or your pharmacist before starting a detox program. Detoxing is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

It is a good idea to give your system a detox from time to time and not just because of the indulgence of Christmas and New Year!

Article Source:

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