
'How to make a liquid that's also a solid'?

'How to make a liquid that's also a solid'? Throw a rock into some water and like most liquids, it'll splash everywhere. But some liquids, like quicksand for instance, act differently depending on how much force you apply to them.
They're called non-Newtonian fluids and they have some very unusual properties.
When you mix cornflour with water, the large cornflour particles remain suspended' (float around) in the liquid.Cornflour slime is thick because particles are packed very close together, yet they are still able to slip past each other.When you stir the mixture slowly it acts like a liquid because the suspended particles have time to move past each other.
Yet when you put sudden stress on the mixture, by rolling it for example, the water quickly flows out of the area but the particles do not have enough time to move out of the way.
The cornflour particles temporarily stay packed up where they are, which makes the slime act like a solid


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