Shop Fox W1706 Bandsaw –
Grizzly G0555LX Bandsaw –
Are you looking at upgrading your shop bandsaw? Interested in moving from a bench-top 10" saw to a floor standing 14" model? In this video I highlight the features of my Shop Fox W1706 bandsaw and give my feedback on it after using it for about a year and a half.
In this video I also talk about the Grizzly G0555LX bandsaw since it is almost identical to the Shop Fox model. Both bandsaws are great tools at a reasonable price and I highly recommend!
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Products featured in the video (affiliate links help sponsor the channel):
Shop Fox W1706 Bandsaw –
Grizzly G0555LX Bandsaw –
Shop Fox D3348 Riser Block Kit -
Grizzly T25555 Riser Block Kit -
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