One Powerful Rule That Makes Exes Chase You
Today were going to be talking about the one rule that will make just about any ex will find themselves wanting you back
How to make an ex chase you
But, of course that doesn’t mean that you should be taking them back or if you should be wasting your time trying to salvage a situation that just doesn’t look great.
One consistency I’ve seen among the women who end up getting their exes back, or women who end up making their exes chase them is this really interesting pattern.
It’s the idea of. “The fear of missing out” syndrome
So, the number one thing you should concern yourself about if you want to make an ex chase you is creating an environment where you ex feels he will miss out on the opportunity of a future together with you.
How you do you do this?
Well there’s three tips I ‘m going to five you right here right now
#1 – Day Dream Effect
It's often said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, if you really look at that at is there are two main components. One is that you and your object of desire are not together, when you’re apart, if you’re really in love with that person, you start to day dream, about what your time with them will be like.
The ideal daydream, that you want your ex to cultivate your ex to have, how do you do that?
It all boils down to one thing, making sure that they have incredible experiences when you spend time together, then ripping that experience out by leaving.
#2 – Alternatives
Making an ex feel like they’re missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime, have them see you with an alternative.
Mistakes clients make is being too available to their exes, instead of showing that you are not going to be waiting around forever, and there are alternatives.
Doesn’t take much to create this alternative aspect, understand that less is more when it comes to this type of jealousy
#3 – Always Leave Him Wanting More
This is similar to tip number one, where you need to get in his head, also known as the zeigarnik effect, people tend to remember uncompleted tasks, more than they do completed ones.
To follow through this effect, imagine you’re having a conversation with your ex and suddenly at the peak of the conversation you have to leave, where he is left wanting more and the conversation was not completed.
The most important thing you need to do if you want your ex to chase you is to create an environment where he feels like he is going to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime if he is not with you.