
Rick Renner — The Right Spiritual Diet

Rick Renner — The Right Spiritual Diet To become a healthy person, you have to eat the right food. Are you eating the right spiritual food to make you healthy spiritually? Are you sure you’re eating the right kind of spiritual diet? Join Rick Renner today to hear what kind food you need on your spiritual menu. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Are you shocked to see how far society is drifting from what was once held precious in terms of morality and faith? In this 15-part series, Rick Renner will walk you through New Testament prophecies about the end of the age and what you need to do to sail successfully through turbulent end-time waters.

In Rick Renner’s new book, How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy, Rick reveals the disastrous consequences of a society in spiritual and moral collapse. In this book, you’ll discover what Christians need to be doing to stay out of the chaos and anchored to truth.


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