
Alastair Campbell: Boris Johnson 'one of the most untrustworthy individuals known to man'

Alastair Campbell: Boris Johnson 'one of the most untrustworthy individuals known to man' Boris Johnson is set for a showdown with Commons Speaker John Bercow as the Prime Minister pushes for a knife-edge Commons vote on his Brexit deal.

Mr Bercow, who Tory Brexiteers have accused of being pro-Remain, will rule on whether the Government can bring a so-called "meaningful vote" on its plans.

If the Speaker blocks the move, focus will switch to the Government bringing its Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) before MPs on Monday, with a vote on its second reading on Tuesday.

Ministers insist they "have the numbers" to push the agreement through, but the parliamentary situation appears to be on a tightrope.

Julia Hartley-Brewer spoke with People's Vote campaigner Alastair Campbell.

talkradio,#Brexit,Julia Hartley-Brewer,Alastair Campbell,People's Vote,Boris Johnson,Brexit,politics,news,uk,european union,EU,Conservative,Tory,Tories,Conservatives,Prime Minister,House of Parliament,

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