
Debate? Is That What it was called?

Debate? Is That What it was called? I missed a Leaf game for this debate? (They lost, just like Trudeau)

So if there was a knockout punch Monday night, that was it, delivered by Trudeau unto Trudeau, always delicious to see

There may not have been a super obvious winner — though five of the leaders had their moments — but there sure was a single clear loser.
That would be the current prime minister.

It was Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer’s turn — the format of the leaders debate was bizarre and complex, at least to my tiny mind — to ask any of the other leaders a single question, whereupon the recipient of the question got a minute to answer and then in turn, chosen randomly, the others yelled over one another.

That wasn't a debate. Nor was it national. It was tokenism, and feeble at that

The issues of this vast and highly differentiated country cannot be shoehorned into a two-hour shout fest, chopped down to nuggets

From the perspective of simple utility, how it assisted voters to make up their minds, Monday night’s exhibition — the so-called debate — was a waste of time. I came away from it with one dominant impression: that the only purpose such debates may claim is to provide journalists with a once-in-four-years opportunity to over- and mis-use the most stale cliché in all reporting history — the “knockout punch.”

E.g., “Mr. Singh had a good line — Mr. Deny and Mr. Delay — but it wasn’t a knockout punch.” Or, “Mr. Scheer came on really strong against Mr. Trudeau in the beginning, but it wasn’t a knockout punch.”

Why journalists are addicted to a boxing metaphor — boxing being a competition between two fighters (obviously) fighting each other — for a spectacle involving six politicians firing over-scripted talking points at each other, while displaying their powers of equivocation and evasion — is a mystery not worth the effort to solve.

Supreme Court Allows Blind Man's Lawsuit to Proceed Against Domino's Pizza for Online Accessibility

Guillermo Robles filed the lawsuit in 2016, claiming Domino's website was not accessible to him as a blind man

The U.S. Supreme Court allowed the lawsuit filed by a blind man against Domino’s Pizza to proceed forward on Monday, as announced in a court order.

The justices revealed that they were declining Domino’s appeal of a lower court ruling of the lawsuit, filed by Guillermo Robles in 2016. By rejecting the appeal, the lower court’s decision allowing Robles to move forward with his claims against Domino’s remains in place. The case will now proceed to trial.

Domino’s released a statement on their website on after the ruling, according to USA Today.

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