
Mihai Zoican talks about wellbeing | Transylvania College

Mihai Zoican talks about wellbeing | Transylvania College "At Transylvania College, we are developing a school that has at its core the wellbeing of all its members. We want students, parents and staff to thrive.

We believe in a school that is transparent, authentic, that has a clear sense of identity, the tools and resources to be autonomous, that finds creative solutions to problems and inspires its members to build healthy relationships. We nurture a culture in which we rely on each other for support; we feel cared for and safe. We are mindful of the needs and feelings of ourselves and others. We give each other perspective and a view of the bigger picture and the long-term impact. We don’t take relationships for granted. Relationships require effort and reciprocity. We are grateful for our environment and what it provides us. We are an extension of the family, as we see family as an extension of the school. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to be seen and heard from a place of kindness, empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. We support each other's dreams, aspirations and we inspire others to do the same." Ruxandra Mercea

Excerpt from our director's letter. You can read the whole text here:

Aleea Baisoara nr. 2A
Cluj-Napoca 400445, Romania
t. +40 264 418 990, f. +40 264 418 991

Anca Rusu
Director of Admissions
t. +40 724 047 566

Transylvania College este singura scoala din Romania acreditata pe curiculum romanesc si curriculum Cambridge, acreditari obtinute cu punctaj maxim! Suntem singura scoala internationala din Romania care ofera un traseu educational complet, de la cresa si pana la liceu, cu internat in sistem boarding, dupa model britanic. Familii de pe intreg teritoriul Romaniei si din 25 de alte tari au ales Transylvania College pentru educatia pe care o oferim la standarde internationale.

Transylvania College | The Cambridge International School in Cluj

Str. Baisoara nr. 2A
Cluj-Napoca 400445, Romania
t. +40 264 418 990, f. +40 264 418 991

Anca Rusu
Admissions and Communication Manager
t. +40 724 047 566

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