
S Korean Foreign Minister says turning DMZ into peace zone can serve as 'guarantee of security'

S Korean Foreign Minister says turning DMZ into peace zone can serve as 'guarantee of security' As Seoul marked the 74th anniversary of the United Nations' founding, South Korean Foreign
Minister Kang Kyung-wha made a case for turning the Demilitarized Zone into a global peace zone.
She said the transformed DMZ will serve as a "physical guarantee of security" and solidify
peace in the region. The DMZ is a strip of land that runs between the two Koreas. Her comment
was a reference to President Moon Jae-in's proposal in September to the UN General Assembly.

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CNA,Channel NewsAsia,South Korean Foreign Minister,DMZ,Demilitarized Zone,global peace zone,United Nations,Moon Jae-in,UN General Assembly,

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