
Should I advertise my business online?

Should I advertise my business online? Should I advertise my business online:

🙋Time and time again I get the same question from my friends who own traditional offline businesses.

Bill, should I be advertise my business online?

#shouldIadvertisemybusinessonline #shouldIadvertisemybusinessonlinetoday, #shouldIadvertisemybusinessonlinenow,

After working with both online and offline businesses for the better part of a decade I can tell you the answer is not the same for everyone.

Some should and some shouldn't advertise my business online

Sure all the unsolicited spam you get could make the biggest "you should market online" spam sandwich 🥪

So the question still remains.. should I advertise my business online

But the answer is NO, not all offline businesses should be advertising online. Yes they should have a presence but spending money on ads is going to be pretty much like lighting your cash on 🔥

So how do you know if you should or shouldn't I advertise my business online?

The answer is simple. I call it the 150 rule.

If you are not offering a service that costs more than $150 you shouldn't waste your time and an offline business.

Yes there are some exceptions but for the most part under 150 and your ROI is likely to HORRIBLE! 🤮

Why would a guy who makes his living running ads for clients and his own business ever tell you to not invest in online advertising?

Because it's the truth.

Now the 150 rule has some exceptions and at the end of the day, there's a bit more to it than I can put on this tiny little ad, but if you'd like to learn more, click the link below now and fill out a business information form and we can jump on a call and see if you should be getting into online marketing.

⚠️⚠️Honesty Alert⚠️⚠️

This will NOT be a sales call and while I would love to work with everyone the truth is that I only pick clients I can succeed with. That said, I may have some ideas that I can share with you that would still help you out and I'd love to do that.

So either way you are bound to get some value out of filling out the form on the next page so head on over there now and let's get you some more customers!

Find out if you/I should advertise my business online

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