
The Conspiracy of Denominations - particularly, the Southern Baptists and the Assemblies of the Gods

The Conspiracy of Denominations - particularly, the Southern Baptists and the Assemblies of the Gods Deeep state of iniquity and damnable heresies

Deaf with no ears to hear - cut off by the foolishness of preaching. Watch the born again dead forsake their own mercy, going after lying vanities. Bars and pubs - prison houses filled with sports - loving alcoholic irregulars - knowing not the score of judgement - their wages of sin is death. Void of understanding through fornication. Drinking and swearing, filthy jesting, abusing mankind. Evil communications corrupting good manners. Dancing to music from hell. Reprobate rappers and singers, accursed from Christ...wailing and wretching for lost tormented souls. Once saved - now dead in the field of blood Judas Christians, traitors of Christ. Partying, perverting, boasting, accusing and excusing one another - for all of them, like sheep have gone astray. Rejecting Christ along the way. None are saved, no not one can escape the damnation of hell.

Build a church. Set up an altar. Come worship the beast from the least to the greatest. Both young and old, sick and well, bond and free, rich and poor. Female, male, effeminate man, woman with child - anyone can. Enter the gates of hell opened wide, sorcerers, whores, thieves, murderers inside.

Warned all who have sinned and come short of salvation. Refusing the Savior - by grace he appeared. Preaching and teaching, repentance of sin. Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, neither can they blush.

This is the generation of vipers - murderers and thieves - returned from their vomit before the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of the Great God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

EKKLESIA - Apostolic 440

conspiricy,Baptist,denominations,assemblies of the gods,Ekklesia Apostolic,domus dei porta coeli,

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