
the FEELING OF BEING, OF EXISTING TO INFINITY and its' obstruction. Part 1.

the FEELING OF BEING, OF EXISTING TO INFINITY and its' obstruction. Part 1. Share Video. The main problem of virtually every human is: the feeling of not being able to feel to infinity. To feel without obstruction. To feel with one's total system being contracted. To feel where one is not a dead body only, moving about. If you feel you are a thing or soul or entity inside a body, this is lowest state one can be in. To feel that one is just a limited mass body is the second lowest state one can be in. To feel that one is more than just a body is highest state one can be in. Because you, if fact are more than just a body and go well beyond the body in energy fields. You are in fact a first and second life field compositions. And this field that you in fact are is integrally one with ultimate universal field.

Meditation,Feeling to infinity,Feeling of BEING,Ultimate Universal field,meditation guided,meditation for beginners,meditation for healing,Meditation Abundance,meditation before Sleep,Meditation Breathing,meditation Concentration,Body-Mind,First and Second Life fields,Deep Meditation,Guided spirit,People and Blogs: Feeling of Being,

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