
What is SEO? | Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO? | Search Engine Optimization As the leading SEO experts in Lancaster PA, we are here to discuss what SEO is and what it isn't. Watch our short video to understand what makes it work and if SEO is needed for your website. Contact us today to learn more about our SEO packages and start succeeding online!

Search engines, mostly Google these days, dominate how people find things and get their questions answered. When you search something in Google it gives you a search results page with what it feels is the most relevant, related results for which you search for.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In its simplest form it means maximizing or optimizing how you show up in those search engine results pages. To be at the top, that's earned through lots of hard work, industry knowledge and technical know-how. That's why web agencies get hired to do SEO.

Now that you know what SEO is, do you really need it? If you care about your website, earning money, and being an acquisition channel - then the answer is YES, you need SEO. If you don't care about more traffic, more leads, and more sales then you may not need it.

There are more people than ever online searching for the products and services you have. TV, radio, and newspaper ads - those people didn't ask to see your ad. In contrast, when it comes to SEO those people are specifically typing in and looking for what you have. They are one click away or a phone call away from engaging with you.

If you find value in that, the next question should be "how do we do it?". That's where we come in. Google has a complex algorithm that looks at hundreds of components when determining which website to show for which search terms. You need it if you want to tap into targetted, hot prospects ready to do business with you.

Contact one of our sales consultants to get started at 717-859-3250 and check out more information at

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