
Why would someone need a nutrition coach?

Why would someone need a nutrition coach? In this video we talk about why someone would need a nutrition coach.

There are a few different reasons.

Let's first start off with knowledge.
-Sometimes, genuinely people don't have the knowledge.
-People think that they should be eating lots of bagels and orange juice, for example. High carbohydrate and eliminating egg yolks, and all these different kind of erroneous things that we've been taught over the past 40 to 50 years.
-So sometimes it just genuinely is being told, hey, it's better to eat lots of vegetables, and quality protein and healthy fats than bagel and orange juice.
-Sometimes that's really what people need.

But more often than not, it's not the knowledge that people need, and even if they have it, that's not enough to get them where they need to be. So in addition to knowledge, what a nutrition coach can help you do is break down these things that you wanna achieve into simple achievable tasks that you can do each week.
-You know, the internet is a blessing and a curse, right? It's a blessing because you have access to all this information but it's a curse because people are like well, should I do keto, vegan, paleo, Whole30, you know, macrobiotic, what should I do?
-And what we can do is we can tell you what approach is going to be best for your goals and then even better, we can break that down into small, achievable goals each week, that you can actually accomplish.

Lastly, way number three that a nutrition coach can help you achieve your goals is through habit and practice.
-This is the single most important point when hiring a nutrition coach.
-You want to make sure that you have someone who can actually hold you accountable so that you're able to practice these habits and sustain them long-term.
-It doesn't matter if you can do them for a week. That's great. But we're talking about sustaining them over the long term, so that's why our programs here are at least three months long, because we wanna make you, we wanna have you establish a habit and a practice that you can sustain for the rest of your life.

So hopefully now you have a better sense of why a nutrition coach can help you achieve your goals. Thanks so much for tuning in, we'll see you next time.
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