
Best Landlord Advice Ever!

Best Landlord Advice Ever! If there is one bit of advice that I can give to any and every landlord out there is to stay strict. And by strict I don't mean unnecessarily harsh; I mean to be clear with your tenants and set boundaries.

If you have quality properties and you want to keep them high quality, then your property inspections need to be strict. People will not care about your property rental if you do not show that you care about them as well. We schedule our inspections for about every three months and we keep our property inspection process quite thorough. This gives the tenants a sense that we care about our properties and they also need to put in the effort if they want their tenant deposits back. (Which we are delighted to return, as it means the property has been kept in a great condition by the tenant).

This is the best advice that I can give to anyone who is starting his or her property business and wants to earn through lettings. Stick to my property investor youtube channel to gain more insights. Learn about more of this kind of property advice and learn from property lessons that I wrote in our 101 Lessons Pack (FREE 102 Page Download), click on the link given below.

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