
CAA Drone Registration... CONFUSION!!! (PLEA TO THE UK CAA) | Mr MPW

CAA Drone Registration... CONFUSION!!! (PLEA TO THE UK CAA) | Mr MPW So, the UK CAA Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme (DMARES) launched a few weeks ago now... And over 33,000 people have registered to date. The requirement to formally register is only a few days away now BUT, there are still lots of questions AND LOTS of CONFUSION surrounding the implementation of the scheme...

The biggest of these is something that we warned the CAA and the DfT about, a number of times but seems to have fallen on deaf ears (along with everything else we've been saying).

The CAA MUST inform all registered people that the registration DOES NOT constitute a 'Permission from the CAA to operate drones Commercially', which it is becoming increasingly apparent, that lots of people now think is the case!

So, let's apply a little pressure to the CAA as a community and get them to send an email to everyone who's registered on the new 'database' / Excel Spreadsheet (lol), telling people that holding an Operator / Flyer ID does not allow them to get out and fly commercially... For now!

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Blue skies,



ICARUS Drone training:

Mr MPW,Matt Wiliams,mrmpw,ICARUS,Drones,UAV,SUAS,Drone,Secrets,Training,How,To,How To,UK CAA Drone Registration,UK Drone Registration,UK CAA Registration,DMARES,Drone Registration Scheme,Drone Registration vs PfCO,Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme,confusion,model aircraft registration,drone registration,

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