
Capricorn 1-15 November Deciding On Your Marriage & Commitments

Capricorn 1-15 November Deciding On Your Marriage & Commitments Thank you so much for the love & support you give me, I do appreciate it and all the time to watch my videos thank you

Vimeo October-December Events In Click X box all signs are below Thank you

11 Days for Guidance Videos, Other Guidance Videos 60 mins Videos 17 Days Thank You

Tarot Card Deck Angel Tarot By Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Oracle Cards Flower Therapy By Robert Reeves & Doreen Virtue
Archangel Raphael Healing By Doreen Virtue
The Souls Journey Lesson Cards By James Van Praagh
Saints & Angels By Doreen Virtue
The Nature-Speak Oracle By Ted Andrews
Archangel Oracle By Doreen Virtue

Days Im not available Monday, Tuesday, Saturday

To Book an recording guidance reading video or Reiki Healing Rituals Click the link

Reiki Rituals Open New Love, Money, Attracting What You Want

Emergency Reading!! 24 Hours Response (Available)

Special offer On! January- December 2020 60 mins and over video booked now.

Question Guidance

3 Questions £20.00 17 min
5 Questions £30.00 30 mins

Love /Guidance

Twin Flame & Soul Mate Guidance lessons learning £40.00

Healing Karma In Life what is blocking Price £40.00 40 mins

New love Singles Looking £40.00 40 mins

In Depth Readings

Spirit Guides , Angels Who Is Your Guide Messages they share. £48.00 48 mins

Past Life, Life Purpose £40.00 40 mins

Tarot Guidance Readings
Three months events taking place £40.00 40 mins

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing Services
Reiki Remote £40.00
Reiki Karma Healing Full Moon Ritual £45.00

Reiki Offers Packages
Love & Relationships Guidance, Reiki Remote Healing

Who Is Your Spirit Guides Angels Reading, Reiki Remote Healing £80.00 60 mins

Contact me after payment and send your information to my email address

Disclaimer: Please understand all people coming to this channel are to be considering the law as all psychic readings are for entertainment purpose only. Any medical advice or deals with the government and laws will be guided to this profession who specialised in this field of work. Crystal Visison111 does not specialised in this area of work and wont be hold accountable. Therefore it is for the person to be responsible for his own path to take.


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