
Fireside chat with Martin Gurri, author of “The Revolt of The Public” [EN]

Fireside chat with Martin Gurri, author of “The Revolt of The Public” [EN] The Family Public Affairs - Build bridges between Entrepreneurship & Politics
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We were excited to have Martin Gurri ( in Paris on June 5th for a fireside chat with Nicolas Colin, cofounder & director at The Family, to talk about Martin’s book, “The Revolt of The Public” (

*** Martin is a veteran of US intelligence agencies, where he specialized in the use of open source information. He saw a lot, and it shows in “The Revolt of the Public”, which was first published in 2014—several years before the Brexit referendum, the election of Donald Trump or the appearance of France’s “Gilets jaunes”.

In his book, Martin explains the sharp rupture we’re experiencing in the relationship between information and the public at large. In today’s world, ideas are diffused through networks instead of being imposed from on high. Those who were previously considered as top authorities (public officials, major media organizations, universities, think tanks) have been steadily pushed toward the margins, giving rise to the new force of the day: a multitude of individuals connected to one another through networks. And they form a public that is characterized more and more by one key trait: anger.

It’s the prescient nature of Martin’s work, which at first passed relatively under the radar, that has pushed it to its current success and a new edition. In the wake of the “Gilets jaunes” crisis, and as the entire Western world seems engulfed by populism, come and grab a better understanding of what exactly is going on.

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