In all time travel theories allowed by real science, there is no way a traveler can go back in time to before the time machine was built. I am confident time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. ... Time travel to the past is more difficult.
Mathematically, you can certainly say something is traveling to the past, Liu said. “But it is not possible for you and me to travel backward in time,” he said. However, some scientists believe that traveling to the past is, in fact, theoretically possible, though impractical.
Speed. This is the easiest and most practical way to get to the far future – go really fast. According to Einstein's theory of special relativity, when you travel at speeds approaching the speed of light, time slows down for you relative to the outside world.
Early time machines
One of the first stories to feature time travel by means of a machine is "The Clock that Went Backward" by Edward Page Mitchell, which appeared in the New York Sun in 1881.