
Letters: Making use of empty homes in Glasgow is vital

Letters: Making use of empty homes in Glasgow is vital I’M pleased to read in Wednesday’s Evening Times that hundreds of empty homes are to be reused.

We have too many homes across Glasgow left empty.

With the amount of homeless on the streets of the city, it is key that we attempt to address this issue, and I think this could be a perfect solution.



I RECENTLY had to care for a relation who has severe disability problems (Disabled campaigners hit out as fewer than half of Glasgow stations fully accessible, Wednesday).

I never ever realised just how difficult it was for people who have disability problems until I had to push a wheelchair or try to find a parking space.

I now have total empathy for those with a disability and nothing but contempt for those people who choose to ignore their plight, especially for those young fit healthy ignorant drivers in their 4x4s and Audi’s etc, who park in clearly-marked disabled bays.

Brian MacLean

Posted online

UNFORTUNATELY the world was built with the mobile in mind, disabled people should realise there will always be obstacles they cannot get around.

To think that wheelchair access will ever reach anything close to 50 per cent coverage in Glasgow is wishful thinking really.

Steven Park

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THIS SNP “government” is all wrong (Winter fears at Glasgow hospital as A&E waiting times rise again).

Two-trick pony that’s only interested in open borders and independence, oh make that three tricks, and ending evictions for asylum seekers.

A family member had an appointment booked for a yearly test for women’s issues. She works full time, it was cancelled and re-appointed with only two weeks notice.

When she called to get it changed, the next appointment isn’t until May 2020. absolutely shocking state of affairs. People will vote for SNP at their peril in this upcoming election.

Derek Campbell

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WILL the SNP take responsibility for this crisis or will they blame Westminster? I know who my money will be on.

Robbie Smyth

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MAYBE if those attending really needed to be there the target could be met. The clue is in the title: Accident and Emergency.

William Boyd

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THE recent article in the Evening Times on the murals going up in the East End was fascinating.

The spoiler however, is the condition of the building frontages leaves a lot to be desired. Surely a spruce up wouldn’t go amiss.



I THINK the current group of Scotland players have shown their lack of commitment to the country with the amount of withdrawals for the nation’s next match.

Any player who withdraws from the squad without a decent excuse shouldn’t be considered for a call-up in the future.

We need players who are prepared to show passion and desire to play for Scotland.

Tartan Army member


SCOTLAND boss Steve Clarke has to get tough on players who pull out of the squad. It’s time players show some loyalty and played through the pain.


Via email


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