
Need to Sell Technology, but Don’t Know What to Say? - Mark Smith, IoT Playbook Host

Need to Sell Technology, but Don’t Know What to Say? - Mark Smith, IoT Playbook Host Pitch Like a Pro

Have you ever needed to create a sales presentation for your IoT services, but not known what to say?

Or, have you delivered a webinar and nobody bought what you had to offer?

If you sell technology and need to create a sales presentation, webinar, marketing brochure, or speak at a live event, then you’ll want to hear this episode of IoT Playbook where I will show you the exact step-by-step framework for developing a presentation that will help turn prospects into customers.

So, just head on over to, where I’ll show you the actual Playbooks, IoT managed service providers are using to make 6 or 7-figures or more recurring revenue right now.

What You Will Learn:

- How the Playbook framework will help you sell IoT services
- Examples of the Playbook framework
- How you can enter for a chance to present your solution on a future episode

The Playbook Framework

There’s nothing worse than staring at a blank screen with no idea what to write. In the context of IoT services, it happens all the time. So, if you are building a pitch deck or presentation to sell technology, I have the perfect framework for you.

My Playbook Framework is designed to help you navigate this process with precision and simplicity. Learn to follow each step associated with the letters in my “playbook” acronym so you can pitch your IoT services like a pro.


Problem: What problem are you trying to solve?
Loss: What loss will your client experience if they don’t solve the problem?
Aspiration: What will your client gain if they do solve the problem?
Yes: Get buy-in from your client with a success story or case study.
Business Model: What is the business model you are proposing (avoid technical nuances).
Offer Example: Show an offer that other clients have been given in the past (case study).
Offer Now: The offer you are presenting with your presentation.
Kall to Action: Yeah… I know call starts with a ‘C,’ but what action do you want your client to take as a direct result of your presentation?

Whether you are a vendor, channel partner, new IoTMSP, or anything else, this framework is effective for pitching IoT services in every scenario. Even if you don’t have a case study, there are many ways to find one. You can ask your vendor, or partner with another IoTMSP that has one—you can even cite someone else’s success story. Either way, this is a great framework to start with and it beats the heck out of a blank screen

I challenge you test this framework with a real-life scenario and send it over to You might get a chance to present your solution on the show!

Check out the full content here:


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