
The Days Of Utmost Importance - Daily Prophetic Word

The Days Of Utmost Importance - Daily Prophetic Word As you continue to march forward through these days of transition and great pressure, understand I will be awakening and clarifying visions of old – especially in areas of failure. I will be awakening and clarifying visions I had given you in days past, especially that which has been abandoned and forgotten. (1)

These previous days were your first draft, in which you were acquainted with what is required, but it was not your final draft. It was just your chance to get started, to make the introduction and acquire a bit of experience. Those were days of preparation, but now you are entering into days of advancement. So understand, the days before you are the days which matter most. (2)

While the days of old were valuable, and necessary, the days before you presently are of utmost importance. These are the days you will truly walk in your calling. These are the days in which you will truly begin to possess your Promised Land, though it will look very different than what you thought it would. This is the beginning of the days you have been waiting for, the days you have trained, tested, and prepared for. (3)

So hold nothing back as you see familiar opportunities begin to develop, even delivered to your very doorstep. These are your days of great destiny, for this is the season I am initiating. This is the time for you to begin to collect the first fruits for the seeds you have already sown. Yes, there will still be work required of you, and yes, there will still be opposition and struggle, but know this is the timing I have released upon the Earth in this hour, so you can cooperate with it. As you do, you will find the environment to be very different than in days past, though it will still be very familiar. (4)

(1) Ecclesiastes 7:8-11, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, Habakkuk 2:3
(2) Isaiah 43:18, Philippians 3:13-14
(3) Deuteronomy 1:8, Numbers 33:53
(4) 1 Corinthians 2:9, Galatians 6:9, John 16:33

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