
The Truth, Confusion and Deception, Micah 5:2.

The Truth, Confusion and Deception, Micah 5:2. In this Article and video, I reveal the SIMPLE Biblical facts of how the truth seen in Micah 5:2 is yet again misunderstood by most, and is twisted by people teaching Jesus is GOD, and also by people teaching Jesus is NOT GOD, but instead still believe Micah 5:2 proves Jesus was ALIVE as our MEDIATOR and RULER, before He was BORN in Bethlehem as our MEDIATOR and RULER, for filling all Bible prophecies of the Messiah Jesus.

In this amazing Prophecy of Micah 5:2:
Yahweh the ONE TRUE GOD of Israel, clearly tells us about the human birth of the Messiah, who would be born in Bethlehem, the birthplace of David, and would become a great ruler and Saviour, who would fulfill all prophecies by GOD and shepherd God’s people, who would arise from the lineage of David, who’s descents are traced back to antiquity, hence, as we read: and Whose goings forth [are] from of old.

When researching and writing this article, I discovered how great the Prophecies and Scriptures fit together like a Jigsaw Puzzle.

Micah 5:2 AGREES with John 7:42, which AGREES with Matthew 2:6, which AGREES with Revelation 1:5, which AGREES with Mathew 28:18.

Micah 5:2 CLEARLY proves Jesus is NOT GOD, and DID NOT PREEXIST His flesh.

But instead, as we read throughout the WHOLE Bible, from the Beginning to the end, Jesus is the SON of GOD, proving (The LITERAL Father and the LITERAL SON). Amen.

You are welcome to read the Article here:

Trinitarian deceptions,False Bible translations,Is Jesus God?,Is the Trinity false?,Does the Bible teach Jesus is GOD?,www.restorationfellowship,wwwrealdiscoveriesorg-simon.blogspot Are Jehovah Witnesses wrong?,Sir Anthony Buzzard,Confusion and Deception of Micah 5:2,FALSE TRINITARIAN TRANSLATIONS,Is Jesus God in the flesh?,Micah 5:2,The meaning of Micah 5:2,The Truth of Micah 5:2,the genealogy of Jesus Christ,

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