

WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? | PAUL DAUGHERTY #wontyoubemynieghbor #sermon #love #victory #howtochangetheworld #LovePeople
Luke 10:25-37 “to love our neighbor.”An expert in the SCRIPTURES asked JESUS--- "WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?" And Jesus answered with a story... ----Jesus used this example of what true LOVE looks like by stripping away anything that could be seen as religious in the Jews eyes. ----He honored compassion in this man. ----Compassion that doesn’t just look on, but that acts. ----He didn’t just help him up and send him on his way…one moment of aid…he did what was necessary to see him through to the other side. (Verse 35). --Interesting side note: Jews and Samaritans are both descendants from Israel, just as Christians are all one in Christ. The Samaritans decided to go against the law and indulge their flesh by worshipping idols and intermarrying. But often, so did the Jews, as we see throughout scripture. It is not the person from a different culture on the other side of the world that is hardest to love, but the nearby neighbor whose skin color, language, rituals, values, ancestry, history, and customs are different. ---Jesus was saying that everyone is our neighbor—STOP waiting for a MISSIONS TRIP to REACH OUT and LOVE people DIFFERENT than you, GO ACROSS the STREET, reach across the CUBICLE, START loving PEOPLE here and now!!! --The Good Samaritan- he cared for someone that was least like him. Jesus insisted on loving everyone- especially those who were not like you. Jesus was so good at loving people wherever they were at- love is not based on someone’s beliefs, color, gender, political party, cool-factor, performance, etc… -Galatians 3:26-28-In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ… There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. /// THERE is no US & THEM--- there’s only US. ----SHOW LOVE to WHOEVER is right in front of you at ANY TIME --- Our job is to be Christ to the people around us, because that’s the only Jesus they may ever see.”----HELP WHOEVER is right IN FRONT of you at ANY TIME--- SEE a NEED and MEET IT. See a HURT and HEAL it. You never LOSE when you HELP others WIN. – Story of the mountain climber ----LIVE GENEROUSLY with GOD’S LOVE at ANY TIME---give time, love, money, encouragement…
---1 John 4:7-8 //// 1 John 3:18- Beloved let us love ONE another- God is love. And Love is an ACTION-
What stops us from BEING A NEIGHBOR?
---BEING TOO BUSY------- ----BEING SELFISHNESS-----BEING JUDGMENTAL--------BACK TO THE QUESTION--- “who is my neighbor?”----At the end of that story, Jesus turned the question around—which one of these was a neighbor to the man in need? And then the punchline: go, and do likewise. You see, we don’t have to wait for someone or something out there to come and save us. We have the ability to be a good neighbor right here, right now.
----THE REAL QUESTION JESUS wants us to WRESTLE with is NOT – WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR--- Jesus wants us to move beyond that question realizing that everyone is our neighbor--- the real question Jesus wants us to focus on is--- WHO AM I??? AM I a kind person? Am I a friendly person? AM I the EXPRESSION of Gods LOVE???

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fred rogers,neighbor,mr rogers,mister rogers,neighborhood,wont you be my neighbor,love,gospel,good samaritan,sermon about love,how to love others,how to change the world,paul daugherty,victory,church,compassion,kindness,transformation,tulsa ok,elevation,lakewood,master key,tbn,hillsong,worship,singing,

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