#1 Not pivoting correctly on the supporting foot: In order to perfect your wheel kick or spinning heel kick you have to pivot 180° on your supporting foot.
#2 Throwing a spinning hook kick while maintaining a high guard: This a big mistake I see many people doing. You shouldn’t keep your hands up while throwing a hook kick. The rotation of your arms is very crucial to creating momentum and generating force.
#3 Throwing a wheel kick to the middle section: A wheel kick should not be targeting the body, if you want to target the body you can use a spinning back kick. The spinning hook kick is meant to hit the face exclusively.
#4 Telegraphing it: This is very common even amongst professional athletes in MMA, Kickboxing and Muay Thai, etc. Many fighters adopt a square stance for different reasons. The problem occurs when they start thinking about a spinning hook kick, that’s when they suddenly switch from a square stance to a sideways stance and they telegraph it.