Germany's economic indicators at every level are contracting.
And with Merkel disguising a massive tax increase as a political cave to ascending Greens party, the future for Germany’s economic growth looks dreadful.
Germany’s economy at the purchasing manager’s level is contracting.
While the German Exports are shrinking For The First Time Since the 2008 Financial Crisis.
And it's not just the German economy. The demographic crunch is putting significant financial and manpower strains on all western economies worldwide. And with each passing day, it is getting even worse.
Brexit and the New UK - USA trade deal will add more poison to the EU economy.
Add in China and Trump's goal of killing off the EU bureaucrats reign will be fact. Italy and Germany jump ship next.
France will be left naked as the EU tide goes out.
In future years the EU is awaited to continue falling further behind in many areas. Politico reports that Washington is preparing to announce tariffs on billions of goods from the European Union. This follows a decision by the WTO, which has just ruled in favor of the US in a case against Airbus. This ends a multi-year transatlantic dispute between the world's two largest aircraft manufacturers over whether Airbus had benefited from illegal state subsidies. Unfortunately, for both America and the EU, the Chinese state-owned aviation manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC) has been busy developing the C919, which is seen as China's answer to the Boeing 737 and Airbus 320.
Germany is in big trouble and with it the whole European Project.
Welcome to The Atlantis Report.
The Germans, just like China, thought they could export for all eternity while protecting their home market, so they never bothered to develop a balanced internal market.
Ask China how that’s working out for them.
The European Union has entered a Klown Krazy World of economics.
The Euro fostered a binge of German exports.
And North european banks lending, to the non-credit-worthy mediterranean countries ; which suddenly could borrow at near German interest rates.
The PIIGS ( Portugal; Italy; Ireland; Greece and Spain ) went on spending sprees, which were misinterpreted as economic growth and prosperity.
Then their credit limits were reached, and they could not pay the minimum monthly payment. Lenders refused to continue to advance funds. Their economies crashed, and the ECB and IMF moved in to save the French and German banks that had lent far too much, saddling the PIIGS with more unpayable debts named as "bailouts." The lending banks were saved from the consequences of their silly lending practices, but the PIIGS were left in an economic depression. Youth unemployment in Spain, for example, is nearly 50% - a sign of a sick, unproductive economy. Two hundred fifty thousand youths have left Italy in the last ten years in search of jobs.
Unemployed people are a net drag on a country's economy, and there is significant "opportunity cost" loss from unemployment.
Under the ECB/Euro system, trade and financial flow imbalances between Euro member countries are soaked up by the "Target 2" balances. Germany now has nearly a Trillion Euro positive Target 2 balance, while the PIIGS have negative balances. France teeters on the brink of a negative balance.
Germany's large Target 2 positive balance is the net amount that Germany has incurred in financing its exports to other EU countries. Whether Italy can ever pay its 400 Billion, Euro Target 2 negative balance is doubtful.
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