
ERA test,Endometrial biopsy,Endometrial Scratching,The cost of ERA,The Endometrial Receptivity Array

ERA test,Endometrial biopsy,Endometrial Scratching,The cost of ERA,The Endometrial Receptivity Array ERA test,Endometrial biopsy,Endometrial Scratching,The cost of ERA,The Endometrial Receptivity Array
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the joining of a woman's egg and a man's sperm in a laboratory dish. In vitro means outside the body. Fertilization means the sperm has attached to and entered the egg. However, some money hungry doctors of fertility industry are selling to naive couples study tests as a part of IVF treatment with No evidence it would work. Some of those tests are useless and extremely dangerous. One of them is ERA testing.
Shabby explanation about ERA test by Dr. Carlos Simon does not include more important details..... ERA is based on preliminary study only while new studies show that ERA does not work!
Learn about Fertility exploitation: ERA testing
How Does an ERA Work?

ERA test involves harmful uterus drilling as endometrial biopsy or womb scratching.
The ERA is womb scratching test which “evaluates the receptivity” of the endometrial lining to determine the optimal timing for pregnancy, or the “window of implantation”.
Womb drilling for the “window of implantation”.
Does the endometrial receptivity array really provide personalized embryo transfer?
ERA is not necessary or appropriate for every infertility patient. The ERA test is recommended for women with recurrent implantation failure. But Dr. William Ziegler,a medical director of Reproductive Science Center of NJ, ordered ERA for first time IVF patient. From the in vitro fertilization process to reproductive surgery, he offers an array of services. New to the list is the Endometrial Receptivity Assay test (ERA), which helps to determine so called the best time to transfer an embryo, leading to %12 to % 15 success rates for women ages 39-41 in 2017 .

The cost of ERA cycle is around $ 2670: this involves the costs ERA $870, plus $600 the costs of fertility medication for Mock FET cycle and $ 1200 medical visits.
ERA includes endometrial trauma (endometrial scratch).
ERA don't provide any additional useful information
Good doctors don't use endometrial receptivity tests, because it really doesn't change the patient's treatment plan.
Strongly do not recommend the use of the ERA test advertised by Igenomics
In conclusion, the results of the present study do not support the use of the ERA test in a mock cycle prior to FET as a way to improve pregnancy outcomes in good prognosis patients.
J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Jul; 35(7): 1301–1305.
Published online 2018 May 8. doi: 10.1007/s10815-018-1190-9
PMCID: PMC6063827
PMID: 29737471
Does the endometrial receptivity array really provide personalized embryo transfer?
Performing the ERA test in a mock cycle prior to a FET does not seem to improve the ongoing pregnancy rate in good prognosis patients. Further large prospective studies are needed to elucidate the role of ERA testing in both good prognosis patients and in patients with recurrent implantation failure.Music Melancholy Lake.
the cycle fails, a lot of women feel it's because their endometrium rejected the embryo. They're not very happy that we use such a simple test such as a vaginal ultrasound scan to judge endometrial receptivity , because they feel it's too basic and very crude. They want us to do more complex tests in order to drill down and really assess the quality of the uterine lining.

This is why tests such as ERA (endometrial receptivity assay) have become popular - because they allow the doctor to check the genetic markers which signal receptivity. However, the reality is that all these complex tests are expensive and useless, because they don't provide any additional useful information.

ERA test,Endometrial biopsy,Horrible moments of Bleeding,The cost of ERA,Drilling Uterus,the endometrial receptivity array,Endometrial Scratching,The Endometrial Receptivity Array,

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