
Keys Of Authority and Obtaining Spiritual Victory - TTAIKI Part 5

Keys Of Authority and Obtaining Spiritual Victory - TTAIKI Part 5 How to obtain success in your prayer life and the spiritual reality that surrounds us. Delve into some of the answers that illude so many of us. Using the right techniques, you can leverage the keys of authority in order to start obtaining spiritual victory in your life.

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Before I dig deep into prayer, let's talk about the spiritual realities around us. and by learning those realities we can actually learn to be more victorious in prayer. so the back story: we're all born into a sin that separates us from God and in fact, this separation is for our protection God cannot be in the presence of sin like a laptop that runs on DC can't work on AC. or a little energizer bunny can't plug themselves directly into a power plant. the closer we get to God the closer we get to our own death. therefore true worship and God's presence can often be very horrifying for the individual that's going through. it much like Moses on Mount Sinai when he was humbled and he had to take his sandals off and he was scared he's afraid he would die. in fact God's presence was so manifest Israel complained after the ten commandments they didn't want to hear the voice of God. they were way too scared. the presence of God is very powerful and very scary. let me give you a story, let me give you a picture of how the separation of God has happened and how things have changed; and the history of times. back in the Old Testament there was a tabernacle going back to Moses. and when Israel was afraid at the end of the ten commandments and things had to move on and in Moses had to take the rest of God's words in private, there was a tabernacle that was built there after the Ten Commandments came down. and in this tabernacle there was the outer courts, the inner courts and the Holies of Holies. and you see, Israel was separated from God. the only way that you could actually get forgiveness of your sin back in the day, because God had a whole bunch of laws it allows you to forgive yourself of sin, what's actually go into this tabernacle. when you'd sin you'd have to bring a grain offering or some blood would have to be shed and there was a spiritual reason why that is. therefore you'd go to a Levitical priest, then you would take your sacrifice and that Levitical priest would then offer up that sacrifice and offer a prayer and then your sins would be forgiven at that time. a Levitical priest will then go from the outer courts to the inner courts. and in the inner courts would then take the sins and transgressions on a regular base of a vast number of individuals and take that to God. ask God for forgiveness and only once a year would that priest be allowed in the Holy of Holies. and in that holy of Holy's was the Ark of the Covenant, as that's the throne room of God the death seat of God and his presence would be there. and where the presence of God is no sin can be. so what happens is one see here this priestwould get all dressed up in a specific way that God had mandated at that time. thank goodness we don't have to do this anymore I'll tell you why in a bit. he would get dressed up at that time and he would go into the Holy of Holies but what would happen if that priest would have sin in their life, well he would die cuz sin can't be in the presence of God. Therefore it was part of this whole process that this priest also would have a rope attached to one of his ankles. and that rope would then lead out from the Holy of Holies into the other areas, the inner courts and there'd be a second priest. and that second priest is trained that if the first priest goes in, when the first priest goes in, if that second priest hears a thump simply pull on the rope until the carcass comes out. because the second priests could not go into that room for his own sin in his own life it was that simple. so there is something that really profound happens when Jesus died. you'll notice in the Bible where Jesus died he said Lord forgive them for they know not what they do. and into my hands I commit... you get the idea. there was also a crack of lightning and it says that the curtain or the veil was torn. that veil that was torn is a veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the tabernacle. at that moment when Christ died and he acted as the "Lamb of God" the one that was slaughtered, that gave his blood in the same way that prior to that time we had to give blood sacrifices, he gave his blood. the curtain was torn and we can now have a direct relationship with God. there's no need to go through a Levitical priest. in fact there's no need for a priest at all..

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