
N. Korea's senior official slams Trump, saying country has nothing more to lose

N. Korea's senior official slams Trump, saying country has nothing more to lose 北, 트럼프 경고에 "우리는 잃을게 없어…격돌 멈출 고민해야"

A top official of the Workers’ Party said that “Pyeongyang has nothing more to lose”... once again reminding the U.S. to come up with a new approach towards denuclearization negotiations.
This follows President Donald Trump’s rare warning to his North Korean counterpart... that he risks losing “everything” through continued provocations.
Kim Ji-yeon has our top story.
North Korea's former nuclear negotiator Kim Yong-chol... slammed U.S. President Donald Trump... saying North Korea has nothing more to lose.
Kim made the remarks in a statement carried by the North's Korean Central News Agency on Monday... stressing that its unilaterally imposed year-end deadline for denuclearization talks is nearing.
He added there are so many things Trump doesn't know about North Korea... and that those comments just showed how anxious he is.
Kim's remarks are in response to President Trump's tweet on Sunday which said North Korean leader "Kim Jong-un is too smart and has far too much to lose, everything actually, if he acts in a hostile way."
The tweet implied a strong warning to Kim Jong-un to not interfere with next year's U.S. presidential election.
And this is one of the many statements Washington has made to ramp up pressure on Pyeongyang after the regime announced it carried out a "very important test" in its missile launching site in Dongchang-ri over the weekend.
President Trump's rhetoric was echoed by U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien... which told CBS on Sunday... that he hoped the North doesn't make that kind of mistake... of resuming nuclear weapons tests.
Meanwhile, Seoul's defense ministry said Monday that it's been working closely with the U.S. to analyze the test that North Korea claimed to have conducted over the weekend.
The ministry refused to make public its initial assessment of the test.
""We are aware of North Korea's announcement. In close coordination with the U.S., we are keeping a close eye on any movement in major sites in North Korea, including the Dongchang-ri site."
Ever since the North launched projectiles from its super-large multiple rocket launcher on November 28th... the U.S. has increased its reconnaissance missions over the Korean peninsula.
According to privately run military aircraft tracker Aircraft Spots... the U.S. Air Force has deployed its Rivet Joint RC-135W over the peninsula on Monday,... the same spy jet the U.S. deployed last Monday and Thursday as well.
The aircraft can detect signals emitted before a missile launch... as well as track flight paths of ballistic missiles.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

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