
Online Bookstore - A Web App for Book Readers | Software Engineering Course's Project

Online Bookstore - A Web App for Book Readers | Software Engineering Course's Project Stage 1 Project (Out of 3 Stages)

This project was developed by AttainU Students.

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Git Hub Link:

What are we trying to build?

Users can find books of different category, he/she can add books to cart/remove books and place order for required books.

Admin can view orders, books, number of users. Can update, delete, add,
books . Admin can able to see the contact queries provided by users.

Technologies used and why?

HTML|CSS|JAVASCRIPT(to add functionality to html pages)|AJAX(To request API’s)|JQUERY|BOOTSTRAP ( Bootstrap is a framework helps us to design faster and easier frontend things that adds extra functionality ).

Express (Server side framework which gives more security from unwanted insertion of links, It makes easier routing and it helps in fast web development).
MongoDb is a Non relational database for storing large data.
HBS (Handlebar Templates) to render data in html pages for frontend usage.
Cloudinary for storing images.

Express, Bodyparser, Express-session, hbs, Multer

Heroku, Mongodb Atlas, Cloudinary

Future scope of improvement?

Sign up, Login with Social media.
Google Search bar Implementation for searching books.
Paypal linking.
Rating for books.
Guest session.
Quick checkout.

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Software Engineering,Full Stack Web Development,MERN Stack,AttainU,AttainU Projects,REACT,EXPRESS JS,NODE JS,MongoDB,React JS,programming,coding,web development,

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