
The best diet for looking and feeling younger

The best diet for looking and feeling younger Well really, there’s just one rule. That is: seek out nutrients! By extension, this also means you’re better off avoiding those sugary carbs and processed foods like chips, crisps, cake, chocolate bars, pasta and rice.

These foods all spike your blood sugar and lower insulin sensitivity, thereby increasing your risk of diabetes (which you’re at increasing risk of as you get older anyway!). Meanwhile, these foods increase your caloric intake without offering any nutrients that would be able to benefit your skin, hair, teeth or nails. So why eat them?

Instead, seek out fruits, vegetables, salads, meats, berries, fish, nuts and all that good stuff you would find in nature. Smoothies are great (although high in sugar). Seek out those Superfoods meanwhile! Did you know that bone broth is packed with collagen? If you’re looking for a set diet plan you can follow to make this happen, then there is no shortage of choice.

The following will all help put you on the right track:

The Mediterranean Diet

The Paleo Diet

The Slow Carb Diet

And guys, don’t start this later once you start to see the signs of Aging creeping up. Start it now and you’ll be able to keep those signs at bay. Prevention is much better than cure!

Eat a Lot or Eat a Little?

Here’s another question: should you eat a lot, or eat a little?

This is actually one of the most important questions to ask when looking younger is your aim in fact! On the one hand, there is a school of thought that says you should eat very little. The latter strategy is what’s called ‘Calorie Restriction’ and does exactly what it says on the tin. The claim here is that by restricting calories, you can actually reduce the rate of your Aging and thus stay looking younger, longer.

How does this work? According to proponents, eating less means that your mitochondria work less and thus produce fewer free radicals as a result. The body is forced to rely on ketones and it becomes very energy efficient (eating a low carb diet could have a similar effect, as could intermittent fasting).

Studies show that mice that live on very low calorie diets can extend their lifespan by as much as 30% and there are plenty of enthusiastic people online trying this strategy right now. Does it work for humans? It’s currently too soon to tell. But with all that said, there are definite drawbacks to this strategy too.
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best diet,diet,vegetarian,feeling younger,detox diet,diabetic diet,vegetarian diet,keto diet,PLAEO DIET,foods i,natural foods,nutrients,

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