
Under My Thumb (Rolling Stones cover)-Max Washington

Under My Thumb (Rolling Stones cover)-Max Washington ....Press read more
Under My Thumb was written by: Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.
......Tara (Silly Lilly CateLynn) is an awesome person....I am deeply in love with her......I hope she becomes my wife....check out her amazing dancing in my video Tara Funk........she left this wonderful comment on my Under My Thumb cover several months was from her old channel......back when I uploaded this song, I only had a few, this video had no comments.......I forgot about it........Tara's comment encouraged me to share this vid again......the first thing she put was a!....I had no idea what that meant :))
Here's the convo:
TARA: "_________________"

ME: "All I see is a line!! What is that lol????"

TARA: "Flatline."

ME: "Oh!! hahaha!! Very nice :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))"

TARA: "Very nice? Are you kidding me? Or dare I say... Are you killing me? ....Well, so it would seem.
Max! My heart stopped when I watched this!! And you know I am not a person to give away personal info etc. in public, but..... I HAVE to quote you here:
"....I just sat there...."
Yes. So did I. And it was no longer M.L.E.G. but O!E.G. if you get my meaning (yes you do ;)).
... ... ... Max! NEVER HAVE I SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!!! I can't even watch it a 2nd time. At least not for the time being, gosh!, sometimes you scare me, lol, no really.
I am stunned and utterly amazed and will never in 7 million years understand how you, YOU BEAUTIFULBEAUTIFULCHARISMATICUNIQUEENCHANTINGAWESOMEBEYONDWORDS PRISM, YOU!!, blow me away...over and over....and in soooo many different ways, at that!!
And so there you have it, precious Jewel. _____________________"

ME: "WOW. Thank u, my dearest!!!!!!!! That is amazing!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Under My Thumb,The Rolling Stones written by,Mick Jagger written by,Keith Richards written by,cover,version,acoustic,jazzy,guitar,jazz,new vide,live,concert,performance,solo,vocal,sing,singer,song,ballad,

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