
What do Women Really Need from Men

What do Women Really Need from Men What do Women Really Need from Men (Relationship Advice for Men)
Everything you need to get the gal:
21 Studios Convention:

What Women Need Tips

1. All women have the same basic needs.

Better to assume this is the case. You have to game your gal forever after.

That’s life. Get over it.

2. Self-development is forever

Always work on self-development and becoming your better self. It’s a lifelong journey not a destination.

3. Your power is here…

Whoever is willing to walk away from the deal has the greater negotiating power.

Your mindset from here to eternity is that you’re always willing to walk away from the deal.

Hint: Don’t get married.

4. Is women's nature changing?? Nah.

In the Western World, in bigger cities, women are graduating college at a rate of 2:1 compared to men; and in smaller towns at a rate of 4:1.

Translation: women no longer need your money.

But they have the same basic needs ingrained in them!

5. Don’t Settle!

Don’t settle to settle down or you’ll choose poorly and wind up bitter (not better).

Hint again: If you do get married, don’t marry down.

Choose a woman who brings as much to the table as you do, financially, and then excel at providing the other areas she’s looking for. (Status, power, attractiveness, intelligence.)

How to Prove / Improve Your Self

There are an array of areas you can improve that will make you feel better and make women more attracted to you.

I go into specific details in my Get a Girlfriend program, but let’s get you started with a few examples directly related to status, power, wealth, looks, intelligence.

Have friends and a social life! Yes, this takes effort.

Lead in some area of your life. Start and lead a meetup group for a hobby or interest you’re passionate about.

Get a better job if yours sucks.

Or start that side hustle you’ve been talking about for years.

Have a savings account. Put money in it!

Women want men who have “the capacity to be productive and share” not wealth. ~ Dr. Jordan Peterson

Workout! Eat well, get fit, groom yourself, dress properly for your body, and most importantly, carry yourself with confident self-assurance.

Master something. Read a non-fiction book. Learn something new!

Just trying to do some of these things will make you feel better about yourself and your life and…

..provides proof to women of commitment, social value, leadership, certainty, responsibility / accountability, initiative, drive, purpose, and intelligence.

A Final Note on What Women Need

Women don’t (can’t) love the same way men do.

Women don’t love unconditionally, except for the first few years they’re mothers.

Even though you unconsciously long for the love you had from your mother as a child— whether or not you actually experienced it — you will not find that love in a romantic partner.

It’s simply biology / sociology.

When you get past the angry phase about women's nature and accept women for how God created them, life becomes strikingly easier.

And if it makes you feel any better, there are things women want from men that they’ll never get because men and women are simply different in some ways.

So, what’s one area in your life that you’ll respect yourself more for taking action on today?


You got this. 😉

xo AJ

Disclaimer: Anna is not a licenced therapist or psychologist. You're responsible for your own actions. Obey the law.

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