
A place where Japanese otters lived [Otter life Day 197]

A place where Japanese otters lived [Otter life Day 197] On January 2, 2020, we went to the Shinjo River next to the Otter Natural Park.
We arrived in about one hour by car from the campsite.
The Shinjo River is the last place where Japanese otters were seen.
Looking at Aty playing in the Shinjo River, I imagine that if the Japanese otter had not been extinct, such a sight would have been seen on a daily basis.
I wonder what did Aty feel about the Shinjo River?

★ Adventure of the Niyodo River
We came back! Looking back on the best river trip in Japan [Otter life Day 190]

An Otter swimming in Lake Biwa [Otter life Day 191] 琵琶湖を泳ぐカワウソ

We finally arrived at Niyodo River [Otter life Day 192] ようやくたどり着いた仁淀川!

5 days spent in the river with Aty [Otter life Day 195]

Otter Aty explore the clear, beautiful blue river like never before [Otter life Day 196]

★Aty-Shop is here!!
You can buy Aty-Shirt, pillows, mugs or etc at here





#RiverOtter #Aty #ShinjoRiver


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