Whenever we go through a tough time, for a lot of us, it's easy to seclude ourselves and shut everyone out. We think that we're not being a burden, that we're not putting on our issues on someone else, we think we're sparing our friends and family of pain. When in truth we're still causing them pain. Our loved ones can see that we're hurting, they can see we're not ourselves, yet feel helpless because we're not letting them in.
When we're hurting the best thing we can do is to talk, share, and speak out loud what it is that's been in our minds. But it's the last thing we do due to embarrassment, guilt, shame, fear of ridicule. If they're truly your friends they won't shame you or ridicule you.
Speak your troubles to someone who will listen, not just hear, but really listen. And you'll see how much better both of you will feel.
Much love,
Decks used: Guardian Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine
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