
D&D Stories: When your legendary loot isn't. And, undead dinosaurs! (Tomb of Annihilation Ep. 10)

D&D Stories: When your legendary loot isn't. And, undead dinosaurs! (Tomb of Annihilation Ep. 10) When you’re exploring the island of Chult in Tomb of Annihilation, be aware that some encounters are not intended for anything other than evoking terror. It seems my players do not know fear, but coincidentally the jungle is much safer with their actions.

No rolls were fudged in the terror encounter. Also heads up that a terror = a group of tyrannosaurus! Quora: “If you'd like to know whether there's a collective noun for a group of theropods, there isn't. A pack of Tyrannosaurus rex is known a ‘terror’. Just like a gathering of geese is collectively known as a ‘flock.’ Both geese and tyrannosaurids are theropods.”

Here’s the characters’ names/identities for reference: Xaeli is a gnome ranger, Nala is a dragonborn druid (blue), Barakas is a tiefling rogue, and Torrin is a gold dragonborn paladin!

As promised, the item descriptions. Truncated for character limit:
Vorpal Sword: You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The weapon ignores resistance to slashing damage. When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads.

Staff of Lordly Might: This rod functions as a magic mace that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
If you press button 1, the rod becomes a flame tongue, as a fiery blade sprouts from the end opposite the rod's head.
If you press button 2, the rod's head folds down and two crescent-shaped blades spring out, transforming the rod into a magic battleaxe that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
If you press button 3, the rod's head folds down, a spear point springs from the rod's tip transforming the rod into a magic spear that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
If you press button 4, the rod transforms into a climbing pole up to 50 feet long, as you specify. Horizontal bars 3 inches long fold out from the sides, 1 foot apart, forming a ladder. The pole can bear up to 4,000 pounds.
If you press button 5, the rod transforms into a handheld battering ram.
If you press button 6, the rod assumes or remains in its normal form and indicates magnetic north.
Drain Life. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using the rod, you can force the target to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On failure, the target takes an extra 4d6 necrotic damage and you regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage.
Paralyze. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using the rod, you can force the target to make a DC 17 Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target is paralyzed for 1 minute.
Terrify. While holding the rod, you can use an action to force each creature you can see within 30 feet of you to make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw.

Defender: You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The first time you attack with the sword on each of your turns, you can transfer some or all of the sword's bonus to your Armor Class, instead of using the bonus on any attacks that turn.

Rod of Security: You can use an action to activate it. The rod then instantly transports you and up to 199 other willing creatures you can see to a paradise that exists in an extraplanar space. Regardless of its nature, the paradise contains enough water and food to sustain its visitors. For each hour spent in the paradise, a visitor regains hit points as if it had spent 1 Hit Die. Visitors can remain in the paradise for up to 200 days divided by the number of creatures present.

Iron Bands of Bilarro: The user activates the iron bands of Bilarro by speaking a command word and throwing the sphere at the desired target. On a successful hit, the bands are deployed and entrap the target.

Dust of Sneezing and Choking: Found in a small container, this powder resembles very fine sand. When you use an action to throw a handful of the dust into the air, you and each creature that needs to breathe within 30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become unable to breathe.

Wind Fan: While holding this fan, you can use an action to cast the gust of wind spell (save DC 13) from it. Each time it is used again before the next dawn, it has a cumulative 20 percent chance of not working and tearing into tatters.

Driftglobe: If you are within 60 feet of it, you can speak its command word and cause it to emanate the light or daylight spell. Once used, the daylight effect can’t be used again until the next dawn. You can speak another command word to make the illuminated globe rise into the air and float.

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All pictures not otherwise excluded are considered public domain and sourced from

Credit to Wizards of the Coast for their various images.

All music is sourced from YouTube's Creator Library.

#dndanimated #dnd #rpg #gaming #dndfunny #dndstories

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