
Lorenzo Benvenuto - GNSS Android: a solution for improving GNSS positioning in IoT devices

Lorenzo Benvenuto - GNSS Android: a solution for improving GNSS positioning in IoT devices Abstract
The positioning part in fact is a crucial aspect for most IoT applications: the major part of IoT devices must be geolicalized in order to fulfil its function. The common way in which IoT devices are geolocalized is through GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) sensor. Considering IoT the GNSS devices that best match the requested features are those embedded into smartphone. Starting from May 2016 Google announced the availability of raw GNSS observation on Android devices: this means that, starting from Android 7, users can access GNSS measurement and not just the position. Starting from all these considerations, the purpose of this research is to improve the integrity and the positioning accuracy of smartphone compensating for some low hardware features (in particular the low quality of the antenna) via software. Excluding satellite affected by multipath can be a good option to improve the positioning accuracy. This is what the MDP algorithm (developed by GTER) does. It’s main function is to pre-process the signals from all the tracked satellites recognizing the onces potentially affected by multipath and excluding them from the positioning computation. So the goal of this research activity is to implement the MDP algorithm for Android devices also proposing some modify or improvement to the algorithm itself on the basis of the results of future test that will be done. This seminar will initially present the basics of GNSS positioning, paying particular attention to raw data obtained from ANDROID devices. Subsequently, the first positioning tests carried out with the xiaomi mi 9 device will be illustrated: the problems encountered, the positioning performance compared to other receivers, and the first steps for the implementation of the MDP algorithm on ANDROID devices will be illustrated.

Short bio
Lorenzo got his master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering (curriculum “Engineering for the environment and the territory) in July 2018 at the Polytechnic School of the University of Genoa. During his studies he particularly focused on geomatics and GNSS developing a bachelor’s thesis on low cost GNSS receiver for precise positioning, and a master’s thesis on the research field “GNSS Meteorology”. Nowadays he continues his studies attending the XXXIV cycle of the PhD in Computer Science and Systems Engineering at University of Genoa (DIBRIS), in collaboration with Gter srl. The main purpose of his research is to realise an IoT device for precise satellite positioning, composed by low-cost GNSS receiver (such as the smartphone’s once).


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