
Neighbours of other blocks inform that the whole block get vandalised

Neighbours of other blocks inform that the whole block get vandalised These are two out of many audio recordings taped by Wong San San, please continue listening to all recordings…do always remember to refer back to a video called ‘Singapore rogue cops’ lying investigation against Wong San San is OUT!’, so that you will have clearer pictures of how our poor Wong San San has been scapegoat for all unfounded accusation…Always remember to READ ALL WONG SAN SAN’s statements CAREFULLY before you make your own conclusion…In the audio recordings of ‘Singapore rogue cops’ lying investigation against Wong San San is OUT!’, you will be able to hear Singapore Police Force suddenly ask Wong San San for her comments, in Chinese (Please get your Chinese friends to translate everything to you in English), ‘Do you feel Singapore Police Force is trying to set you up?’. You go ask yourself a question, ‘You got hear Singapore Police Force will ask all offenders this kind of question, huh?’ Obviously, the Singapore Police force themselves knows that Wong San San is TOTALLY INNONCENT For all the past crime cases BEFORE HER 14th and 15th July 2007 offences !Whether you believe Singapore Police Force has the ILL-INTENTS of PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE…It is YOUR CHOICE! (For your information, The Singapore Police Force says that ALL BLOCKS in Jurong West St 25 get loanshark letters because of her Singh neighbours), you listen to the audio recordings of 'Singapore rogue cops' lying investigation against Wong San San is OUT!' carefully... Anyway, Wong San San knows Singapore rogue cops want to make her be the scapegoat, whatever Wong San San said to the Singapore Police Force about her vulgarities SMSes to her Singh neighbours, are FALSE…Bytheway, we want to inform you that Singapore Police Force ANYHOW add words to their Statements of Facts, for examples, ‘The Singapore Police Force accuses Wong San San for sending threatening SMSes…that she corrected it in courts by saying, ‘THERE IS NO SUCH THINGS AS THREATENING SMSES.’ But, when her appeal was heard on 12th December 2007, her fucking corrupted judge Victor Yeo Khee Eng who died father since 8th October 2015, DID NOT STATE Wong San San has corrected the information in courts….It shows that Victor Yeo Khee Eng HAS ALSO PERVERTED Wong San San’s statement in Courts..Please continue listening to that particular audio recordings..the Wong San San's sentencing on 9th November 2007, is inside.....’ You will hear everything. Singapore Police Force, we are friends of Wong San San, WE ADVISE YOU TO STOP PRETENDING to be good police officers! DONT BOTHER TO ACCUSE WONG SAN SAN FOR ALL PUBLICISED RECORDINGS ON YOUTUBE....Because our friend Wong San San DOES NOT OWN this Youtube account....All Wong San San does is to SHARE ALL HER DETAILED INFORMATION with us, who are her overseas friends, to assist Wong San San to REPORT ALL YOUR CRIMINAL OFFENCES to the whole world... When you are ready to sue Wong San San, means YOU ARE READY TO FACE your own crimes!


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