Session 1 will address theoretical and developmental considerations; research-validated protocols (e.g., Dialogic Reading, Text Talk); crafting the best questions; and beyond the read-aloud.
Session 2 will address theoretical and developmental considerations; research-validated protocols with stretch texts (e.g., FORI, Wide FORI); and small instructional level group essentials for maximizing comprehension development.
Session 3 will address diagnostic tools for identifying needs; settings and providers; and research-validated interventions (e.g., WOW, PAVEd for Success).
This webinar is made possible through a Memorandum of Understanding between Buffalo State College and New York State Education Department, Office of Special Education. The contents of this webinar do not necessarily reflect views or policies of the NYS Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the NYS Education Department.