OR, please write to me at thebodhitarot@gmail.com
⭐You must be 18 years and older to request a reading.
www.thebodhitarot.wordpress.com♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ Exploring Tarot and Western astrology as tools to help support, guide, and offer insight into our personal growth and spiritual development.
⭐Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that videos presented on The Bodhi Tarot, as well as personal readings are for entertainment purposes only.
The Bodhi Tarot does not offer medical, psychological, legal, or financial services of any kind. Should you be experiencing any kind of emergency, please seek professional help, or call 911.
Information presented here should be considered for legal purposes as "for entertainment only."
Quoted fees for private readings will remain current up to the date when the video is uploaded for you, and are thereafter subject to change.
✨The planets do not force you to do or be anything. You possess a free will and you decide how you live your life.